Sunday, February 20, 2011

"...Teach Your Children Well...And You Just Might Learn Something..."

Old saying.

Can't be too thin or too rich.

Jenny Craig would likely argue articulately against the former.

And just about anybody I know personally would dispute the latter.

Present company included.

Here's a thing, though.

I'd offer that while knowledge is, indeed, power, there comes a point.

Put another way...

There is such a thing as knowing too much.

And anybody over the age of, say, thirty knows it.

Especially if that thirty something has kids.

Because its in the eyes of those kids that we see the innocence that can only come from pure joy, pure excitement, pure, as yet untarnished, belief that the rest of life will be as fun and/or cool as those first few years.

Those years of backyard buddies and birthday parties, of wonder and awe, of love given with no strings attached, of affection shared with no agenda other than the desire to share.

Old joke.

Insanity is hereditary.

You get it from your kids.

Admittedly, there are moments in the hectic day to day when that seems to ring a little too true.

That said, it's only fair to say that there's something else we get from the little ones, as well.

The gift of moments of a return to that pure joy and wonder we knew when we were the little ones.

Moments of backyard buddies...and birthday parties.

Moments when we knew just enough.

Happy birthday, ladybug.

Thanks for the gifts.

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