Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Okay, Okay, It Really Was Fun For Awhile, But....:

You might find it surprising, given my usual slant, but I actually come from a long line of conservative Republicans.

Grandpa was a dyed in the wool Orange Country Republican type.

And while the older I get, the more I find myself leaning a little bit more right than left each day, I still tend to line up on the Democratic side of any question.

That tendancy certainly isnt slowed when I read things like this:

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Four days after Sarah Palin announced that she will step down later this month as governor of Alaska, a new national poll by USA Today/Gallup indicates that seven in 10 Americans say Palin's decision had no affect on their opinion of her.

More than seven in 10 Republicans said they would be likely to vote for Palin for the presidency.

Okay, let's talk like grown ups for just a minute.

Forget all the hype and hooplah.

Anyone, after listening to and observing Palin's style and/or behavior for the past year or so and especially in the last week or two, who for a single second even entertains the idea of voting for her for president is showing a lack of common sense, let alone judgement, that can only be called staggering.

That aside...

If Sarah Palin is honestly, sincerely and inevitably the very best that the Republican Party has to offer this country, then they need to find the elephant a home, board up the building and convert from a political party to a Scientology chapter.

Then, at least, this phenomenal worship of this lightweight blonde in disguise would make sense.

I honestly think even Grandpa would be sayin' "...sayonara, Sarah....".

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