Monday, August 10, 2009

"All That Shouting Can't Be Healthy..."

Regarding this whole business of the shouting and screaming about health care reform going on at "town hall" meetings...

One of the perks of living in the land of the free is the privilege of mouthing off about things we feel compelled to mouth off about without fear of reprisal or retribution.

And while passions can run high when we are faced with issues that hit home, I cant help but think that it's odd that the issue that seems to have people ready to start duking it out is health care.

I wouldn't characterize it as much ado about nothing.

But I'd offer you that it's more ado than the occasion calls for.

A majority of people surveyed in the past couple of days seem to believe that the dust is being kicked up by Republicans whose sole purpose is to defeat the plan, regardless of its merit or lack, as the case may be.

We'll probably never know.

But consider this.

Where was all the shouting and screaming and pushing and shoving and "town hall" debate when the decision was being made to send our troops to Iran and Afghanistan, et al?

Oh, wait...that's right.

That was a Republican plan.

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