Sunday, May 10, 2009

"Forget The President Adressing the Nation...How Bout DRESSING The Nation?"

I’ve noticed something lately.

I often notice things that other people don’t notice.

In fairness, maybe it’s more accurate to say that I pay attention to things that other people don’t pay attention to.

Including dangling participles.

And I’m not implying that this habit makes me better than you.

I’m not Izzy Mandlebaum, after all.

I suppose it’s because the writer part of my brain is hardwired to include a “notice this” detector that takes in raw data and then processes it into captivating and culture altering commentary.

Or I could just be full of shit.

Come to think of it, I’ve heard that opinion offered more frequently throughout the life than any other.

Meanwhile, back at the point.

I noticed the other day how much times have changed.

Now, of course, being me, that revelation wasn’t about to come in the form of anything everyday-ish, like realizing that the current cost of a week’s groceries is roughly the same amount as my parents monthly mortgage payment in 1965.

No, my latest epiphany came all dressed up.

Or not, as the case may be.

The little red light on my “notice this” detector flashed when I came across the picture I’ve included here.

(Actually, my little red light is really a little blue light, but this piece isn’t about red state/blue state stuff, so carry on…)

The President meets with the captain who was kidnapped by pirates and rescued by the brave men and women of the United States Navy.

Mr. Phillips Goes To Washington.

Well, of course I noticed Mrs. Phillips, too.

Didn’t I start out by saying that I pay attention to pretty much everything?
Pay attention.

It was, in fact, Mrs., and not Mr., Phillips that got this whole stream of consciousness thing disguised as captivating and culture altering commentary going in the first place.

And made me realize how much times have changed.

Because the moment I saw the picture I thought of The Price Is Right.

Well, now, that was a sudden, jerking turn you weren’t expecting, I’d betcha.

Here’s the thing.

When you’re finished reading my rambling here, go surfing for as early an episode of The Price Is Right as you can find.

Early means not only pre-Drew Carey, it means pre-white haired Bob Barker, as well.

And pay no attention to Bob.
Pay attention to the contestant(s).

I direct your attention to the lack.

The lack of cut off shorts, the lack of wife beaters, the lack of t-shirts with goofy slogans and, good golly miss molly, the lack of flip-flops.

People who thought they might end up appearing on national television used to actually bother to dress just a bit past the fashion standard we have established for a daily visit to the Wal Mart.

Them days is over.
Times have changed.

I notice things like that.

Happened a couple of Sundays ago when I was visiting a church.

I’m really not that old, but I do vividly remember men wearing ties and ladies wearing dresses to church on Sunday.

The congregation I visited with was quite the haute couture mixture.

A little bit “fill the collection plate”, a little bit “here, take a few bucks out and buy yourself a shirt that has sleeves”.

Disclaimer time.

I am neither a snob, a fashionista nor an old fart fogey who has moved solidly into the “tsk, tsk” years of my life.

Those who see me at work know that my wardrobe of choice is running shoes, jeans and tropical shirt.

With a sport jacket.

Hey, I’m not without a sense of style, you know.

And possessed of that sense of style and, as mentioned earlier, a tendency to notice things, Mrs. Phillips’ choice of wardrobe couldn’t help but set off the red light (blue light, yada, yada).

Yeah, I realize that both the prez and the cap are tie-less in the Oval Office of the President of The United States.

And, just so you know (ladies), I’m not about to wrap all this up by rapping the cap’s Mrs’ ensemble.

Truth be told, I think there’s a level of Americanism, if you will, being displayed here.

We embrace people in this country regardless of race, creed, color, religious or sexual persuasion.

We don’t close the doors to our churches to those wishing to worship God who don’t necessarily shop at Saks.

We don’t deny people the chance to win the Showcase Showdown because they expect to over or underbid wearing the “I’m With Stupid” t-shirts.

And we don’t deny Mr.and Mrs. Phillips a chance to visit the Oval Office and chat with the President of the United States simply because they show up dressed like their “things to do today” list reads “visit White House, pick up caulk for bathroom at Home Depot.”

The “fashionistas”, having seen the picture are, of course, most likely in need of oxygen.

Ah, screw em.

By any reasonable measure, the key word being reasonable, the Phillips look just fine and dandy.

I mean, it’s not like she wore flip-flops, for God’s sake.

Then again, her feet are oddly out of sight in the picture.


I notice things like that.

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