Saturday, September 20, 2008

"Don't Blame George Bush"

Assuming the stock market rebounds and this latest little financial version of “the perfect storm” doesn’t put us all in the streets wearing potato sacks and warming our hands over flaming barrels of trash, I think it only fair to point something out.

All I’ve heard for the past few days is the mouthpieces talking about how the Federal Government is going to step in and bail out the ailing banks, etc.

Is it any wonder that we don’t have any confidence in the people who run the government?

They talk about solving the immigration problem, but they, themselves, don’t even know how to speak plain English.

Like this, for example.

The Federal Government isn’t stepping in to bail anybody out.

We are.

It’s our money they’re generously using to prop these rotten in the basement beams businesses back up.

Is this bailout necessary?

Everything I read and hear tells me that it is.

Does somebody, or bodys, need to be held accountable for letting it get to the point of BEING necessary?

Bet the farm.

If you don’t lose your farm this year, that is.

Someone said to me the other day that George W. Bush isn’t to blame for the mess on Wall Street and the near meltdown of the economy.

Fair point.

It’s not about blame.

It’s about responsibility.

And any first year plebe, private or sailor can tell you rule number one.

His watch.

His responsibility.

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