Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Whether You Like Her or Not....."

After two weeks of ad nauseum, ad infinitum debate about the choice of Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee to be Vice President of the United States, I have yet to hear any one, politician, commentator, pundit, expert (real or self professed) ask what I believe to be, at the end of the day, the only question that really matters.

And those who ask "Is Sarah Palin qualified to be President of The United States?" are missing the point.

The question that matters is:

"Is Sarah Palin the BEST and MOST qualified candidate?"

The answer to that question speaks volumes. About John McCain. About the Republican Party. About any one of us who honestly believe the answer to that question is "yes".

Just a year ago, we watched and listened as John McCain and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, among others, made it clear that this election was going to be unlike any we have experienced in our history.

We had no idea.

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