Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"...Every Pendulum Swings From Left To Right...And A Lot Of Comics Do, Too...."

The most brilliant, if not most universally embraced, humor tends to be that out there on the ol' proverbial cutting edge.

One current wielder of the blade is Louis CK.

Funny stuff.

Depending, of course, on the usual number of variables including, but not limited to, your age, your race, your political preference, your sexual preference and your core ability to recognize funny when the humor tweaks your tickle bone but comes perilously close to inadvertently setting off your moral indignation alarm.

Me, I think it's funny stuff.

But I have a pretty hair trigger tickle bone and I've changed batteries in my smoke detectors at least a couple of dozen times since I changed those in my moral indignation alarm.

All of that said, though, I had an interesting and unexpected experience while scanning this satire.

I realized what it is that Jay Leno will do once he finally leaves The Tonight Show.

And by finally, I mean that he will leave, hand it off to Fallon and not show back up at any time in the future announcing his determination that he realizes that he really wasn't ready to leave and would very much like Fallon to get his smart ass ass out from behind that desk.

(Those unclear on the plot here can gain clarity by simply doing a quick Google on the career of Conan O'Brien)

Meanwhile, back at the desk.

Enjoy, if you will, or like, the pointed observations of the currently comedically worshipped Mr. CK.

Then watch the clip again but, this time, watch Leno and his reactions more closely.

Here's what I saw.

A guy who's uncomfortable.

On a couple of levels.

First, a comic who, in the presence of another comic, recognizes a faster gun and, instinctively, feels the need to compete.

Second, an "older" guy who seems to want to appreciate the edginess of what's being said, but can't seem to mask the prickliness that occurs when one feels the barbs of pointed humor.

And, third, a guy who is, if only subconsciously, realizing that he has, somewhere along the way, himself silently, even unknowingly, moved from the edge to the center.

And even a little right of it.

Maybe it's just me, but I got the distinct impression that Leno was fighting a powerful temptation to ask CK to stop saying black and start saying "Negro".

It's okay, Jay.

We all get older.

And we all, no matter how hip or groovy we want to try and remain, end up doing a little "tsk tsk"-ing at those who are coming up behind us on the life ladder.

And, since your days are, supposedly, officially numbered (again) as host of what was once considered the pre-eminent late night television talk show,  you needn't worry about having to maybe go back to comedy school and learn about all the advancements that have been made since you graduated back in the 70's.

In fact, there's some good news.

Given what Louis CK had to offer and your reaction to most of it, I'm pretty sure you don't have to worry about having to totally give up TV when you finally leave the Tonight Show.

(And by finally, I mean that you will leave, hand it off to Fallon and not show back up at any time in the future announcing your determination that you realize that you really wasn't ready to leave and would very much like Fallon to get his smart ass ass out from behind that desk.)

Nope, from the look behind the look on your face, I'd say there's another nightly TV slot just waiting for you to show up and claim ownership.

Weeknights between 8 and 10 eastern.

Sandwiched comfortably in between Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity.

Two guys whose moral indignation alarms get fresh batteries pretty much every day.

And who probably respectfully believe that Louis CK is the anti Christ.


On Fox News Channel.


Don't delay, Jay.

Over there, your sense of what's funny, and appropriate, would practically be cutting edge.

And, best of all...

There's no Conan.

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