Tuesday, August 14, 2012

" Damn It, You Accuse Me Of Not Being A Law Abiding CItizen One More Time And I'll Shoot Your Ass...""

There's really only one thing absolute when it comes to talking about gun control in this country.

It's a waste of time talking about it.

Because those who justify the free access to weapons for anyone and everyone by wrapping their justification in the Bill of Rights simply turn stone deaf any time the words "gun" and "control" appear in the same sentence.

So, this piece won't be using the terms "gun" and "control" in the same sentence.

Except for the last two sentences.


(CNN) -- The gunman who killed two others before police ended his life in a shootout near Texas A&M University had been battling mental health issues on and off for years, his mother said.

Police say Thomas Caffall, known to his family as "Tres," killed a constable and a bystander and injured four others Monday before police fatally shot him.

Attention, hard core right to bear arms Americans, please allow me....
Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

And in this instance, just as in Colorado, we're obviously talking seriously disturbed people.

Here's a thought, though.

Laws, rules, regulations and all the other limitations that we are asked to obey are not now, nor have they ever been, about denying reasonable, rational American citizens the freedoms that we all enjoy.

They are about the lowest common denominator.

The speed limit is set at 55, not because you, being a reasonable and rational American citizen need to be told to drive at a reasonable and rational speed, but because Mr. or Mrs. Lowest Common Denominator would drive 155 if they weren't obligated, by law, to drive 55.

And even then.

Noise ordinances are in effect, not because you, being a reasonable and rational American citizen need to be told that your sound system shouldn't be rattling your next door neighbor at midnight, but because Mr. or Mrs. Lowest Common Denominator wouldn't give a rat's ass about blasting said system at said stroke of twelve if they weren't obligated, by law, to turn that shit down.

And even then.

Reasonable and rational regulations that might, at the very least, make it much more difficult for disturbed types to easily get their hands on weapons shouldn't be objectionable to any reasonable and rational American citizen.

I'll go you one better, though.

Refusing to even hear a reasonable and rational discussion about how that might be accomplished by knee jerkingly waving a flag in one hand and an assault rifle in the other is an unconscionable act of selfishness, an abuse of the freedoms that others have sacrificed so much for us to enjoy and, in some measure, a complicity in any and all killings that might have been avoided, had such discussions actually helped to bring some sanity to the situation.

And if you're part of that hard core clan, you should be ashamed of yourself.

But you won't be.

Deaf very often is accompanied by dumb.

And please notice that I honored my promise not to use the the G word and the C word in the same sentence.

Not that it would have mattered if I did.

You stopped listening to me mid way through the first sentence.

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