Monday, March 26, 2012

"...The Reality Of It Is That Reality Really Isn't It...."

Finances ain't my strong suit.

Grammar, from time to time, likewise.

To a paycheck to paycheck guy like me, a portfolio is something you pick up at Wal Mart in September along with the three ring binders, glue sticks and assorted other back to school paraphenalia.

So I would neither flatter myself nor insult your intelligence by wasting time and typing offering any thing resembling conjecture on what will or will not happen with the economy, national or global, in the coming days, weeks or months.

I realize that it's considered trendy to follow trends, stock prices, gas prices, commodities prices, gold prices and/or futures prices-wise.

I'm just not the trendy type.

At least when it comes to dollars and cents.

Dispensed disclaimers notwithstanding, I do, however, recognize a certain gift, even flair if you will, for reading the signs of a different kind of commodity.

Here's some proof fresh from the pudding.

A survey running, at this moment, on Yahoo dot com, asks...

"Have you grown tired of reality TV shows?"

Out of 675,000 votes cast, at this writing, the results are:



Again, I claim no expertise when it comes to financial prognostication.

On the other hand, given the empirical data from the Yahoo survey, I am rock solid confident in my interpretation of the obvious trend.

Clearly, the level of intelligence of the American television viewing audience is beginning a long and much hoped for recovery.

That's one portfolio that has been near empty far too long.

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