Saturday, January 24, 2009

"This First Family Ain't The First...."

Have you noticed that we’ve been hearing the name “Kennedy” a lot these past few days?

And I’m not just talking about Caroline’s fast flaming, quick burn out pass at taking Hillary’s seat in the Senate.

Actually, those folks who cant seem to live without labeling things have been coming on pretty strong with the “parallels”, as it were, between two couples whom history has placed at the same place at different times.

Jack and Jackie Kennedy.

Barack and Michelle Obama.

Ponder that for a second while I share something else with you.

I saw a very well written article this past week, underscoring the fact that suddenly, on our TV’s, we are seeing a black family that apparently has no use for the stereotypes of black families that we have all “enjoyed” in recent times.

The fat daddy, or momma, as the case may be, lamenting the children who are either lazy or lippy, or both.

The fat grandma, or grandpa, as the case may be, who lament the fact that the fat daddy and/or momma cant get the lazy, lippy children under control.

And nowhere are the words “yo”, “whazzup” or “ho” to be heard.

And when and if the phrase “junk in the trunk” is uttered, it refers only to the need to clean out the back storage area of the family automobile.

Okay, first things first.

I don’t know what your political opinion of Barack Obama is.
I don’t care.

You’re entitled to it, whatever it may be.


Those pesky folks I mentioned earlier, who have hours and hours of cable news TV time to fill and feel the need to put tags and labels on people and things so they can fill those hours and hours of cable news TV time talking about the tags and labels they’ve put on things have been drawing reasonably obvious similarities between the Obama family of 2009 and the Kennedy family of 1961.

Young, energetic, attractive husband and wife.
Young, camera ready kids.

A sense of new optimism and, dare I express the audacity, hope.

Okay. I think we can all see the parallels.

Fair enough.
But enough already, already.

Because I think the similarities pretty much end right there.

Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy’s lives have almost nothing in common, with the exception of where they ended up working for a living in their early forties.

Likewise Michelle and Jackie.

So, to paraphrase the classic line from the Bentsen/Quayle debate…

“They’re no Kennedys.”

Nor do they need to be.

They will succeed or fail in their own way, in their own time and on their own merits.

But, I think I’ve figured out what it is about these two that has so many people walking around with glazed eyes and goofball grins.

They are a screenwriter's dream.

A real, flesh and blood couple that Hollywood couldn’t, on their best day, create in fictional form any more effectively.

One part Jack and Jackie Kennedy.
One part Rob and Laura Petrie.

And one part the couple who deserve the credit for being the first, and so far best, couple on television to refuse to pander to the stereotypical portrayal of black America.

Cliff and Clair Huxtable.

Predict what you will about how successful a presidency this man will have.

But, bet the farm, if either Sasha or Malia turns out to be half as adorable as Rudy, a second term is already in the bag.

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