Saturday, November 5, 2011

"...And That's All He Has To Say About That..."

Andy Rooney died today.

And there will be, I'm guessing, little more than a day or so, max, of garden variety obits wandering over, around and through online, print and broadcast media.

In one sense, that's as it should be.

Rooney was not a world leader.

He didn't win a Nobel Prize.

He didn't find a cure for cancer.

He didn't invent the Internet.

He was a reporter turned commentator who, for forty plus years or so, offered up wry observations on life in five minute doses, mostly seen/heard by viewers of "60 Minutes."

And he died not untimely and not saving kids from a burning building or in an air show plane crash or under the rubble of a stage crashing down at a state fair.

But he was a pretty remarkable guy.

Because for eight decades, he never lost his way with words.

And if you think that's no small feat, try to imagine...

Seventy five years of wit and wisdom coming from...

Jon Stewart.

Joy Behar.

Chris Matthews.

Will Ferrell.

Charlie Sheen.

Bill O'Reilly.

Rachel Maddow.

Ann Coulter.


Or this writer.

Nice work, Andy. Godspeed.


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