Monday, November 16, 2009

How Much Is A Bird Worth?...Can't Put My Finger On it..."

Kids, the lesson here is do as we say, not as we do.

That said, this one cracks me up.

Bud Adams, the owner of the Titans was fined $250,000 today by the NFL for flipping off the Bills fans after Tennessee bitchslapped Buffalo around for four quarters on Sunday.






Come on, you know it's a little funny.

But a quarter of a million dollar fine?


This is the same NFL that let Michael Vick start playing again after cooling his heels for a year or two for killing dogs.

And what was the fine for THAT?


Should Adams have been reprimanded for the good of setting an example.

You betcha, Sarah would say.

But, I reiteriate, a quarter of a million bucks fine?

The NFL needs to lighten the f**k up.

And Adams needs to rename that digit Goldfinger.

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