Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Brief Open Letter to Some of Hillary's Supporters...

Dear You Know Who You Ares…..

Anyone who reads my work with any regularity knows that I am no big fan of George W. Bush.

And despite his efforts to disassociate himself from the Bush record, John McCain looks a lot like a guy who will, in effect, offer up four more years of the same old.

So, I’m not really all that fired up about the idea of John McCain becoming president.

And, in that light, I think I can safely say that I am not grinding any Republican axe when I suggest what I am about to suggest to a lot of you who supported Hillary.

You’re idiots.

Not because you supported Hillary.

Because, the latest polls indicate, a lot of you are so pissed that Hillary didn’t get the nomination that you’ve decided to just sit out the process and stay home on Election Day.

I could try to whip out a few hundred more witty and wise words about the whole thing, but to tell you truth, I’m really not in the mood.

Because I don’t do my best work when I’m cranky.
And stupidity most always makes me cranky.

If you supported Hillary and feel disappointed because she didn’t win, then, by all means, be disappointed.

Then take a shower, have a drink and get over it.

That’s life in the big leagues.

Sitting out the election like some kind of pouting five-year-old benefits only the Republicans.

It doesn’t “show Obama”.

It doesn’t benefit Hillary.

And it sure as shit doesn’t benefit those of us who really aren’t all that fired up about the idea of John McCain becoming president.

It also validates the fears of those who believed all along that changing the course of this country’s direction was less important to many people than getting Hillary Clinton into the White House.

Wait a second.

Nope. Never mind.

I thought I was going to come up with something witty.

But I’m still cranky.

Hillary is still not going to get the nomination.

And some of you are still idiots.

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