Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Last April, It Was Cherry Blossoms and Beginnings.....This April, It's.....

No time to say hello.

Well, more like “see you later…”

I’m going to be away from blogville here for a few days as I pull the plug tonight on what has, in my experience, been the worst dial up connection in ISP history and move me and all my belongings south to get back into the radio business.

Hopefully, the new residence (I used to like to use the slang term “abode”, but that, like so many other things these past months, has become the cause of the kind of chest pains that only come from something broken) will have cable and/or DSL so I can actually join the 21st Century again.
Actually, I’ve promised myself that I’ll forgo running water if I never have to deal with dial up again.

Meanwhile…I will be out of touch for a while as I get moved, get settled, get started on the new gig and get started on the new life.

I, like you, have heard all my life that things happen for a reason.

It hasn’t escaped my notice that they never say it has to be a good reason.

Having said that, I am excited about new opportunity, anxious to get back to the work that I love to do and excel at (if I do say so myself) and ready to prove to those who couldn’t or wouldn’t have faith in me when it mattered most that they made a mistake.

In one case, a mistake that cost them a life of support, devotion and love that they will never come close to imagining.

I hope every tropical cruise takes you where you want to go.
Because it left me lost at sea.

Thanks to everybody for their love and support and kind words about my words over these past weeks. I’ll be back to blog just as soon as the dust of relocation settles…

Thanks to G…for wit, wisdom and whimsy

Special thanks to Eliza…who God sent when I most needed a woman who meant it when she said we were best friends.

So, until we meet again, love each other…really love each other.
We say life is short.
But we don’t really have a clue what that really means.

And I’m sorry I can’t offer you “reruns” like the “Best Of Phelpspeak” while I’m out of pocket.
Then again, just reread what I already wrote.

That IS the “Best of Phelpspeak”

He said, with his usual modesty.

Be safe.

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