Saturday, September 26, 2009

"And Now, Time for A Reality Check..."

Forty five years ago, Newton Minnow called television a "vast wasteland".

Yesterday, Bruce Willis put a slightly finer point on it.

In response to an interview question asking what he thinks of reality shows, he replied...

"I think they're bullshit."

America being the bastion of to each his or her own notwithstanding, I say yea, thee Bruce Willis.

I'm a child of the fifties, grew up watching television, have probably wasted more years than I care to face, in fact, watching television and, yet, couldn't put it more succinctly than Willis the Bruce.

Don't know his issues. Mine are basic.

I watch televison to get away from reality for a bit.

Reality shows, in my view (pun inevitable), are like having an affair with someone by meeting clandestinely in an expensive hotel room, getting undressed and then spending the evening arguing about money, work and the kids.

The point?


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